Foolproof Solutions for Puppy Barking: A Guide to Puppy Yaps

Your puppy might be the cutest sight you’ve ever seen. Long eyelashes. Tiny pearly teeth. Glimmering eyes. A soft, glowing coat of silky fur. A cooling, sweet, wet nose. It’s puppy love at first sight, and you’re in deep. But then you take your puppy home, give her everything in the world—a tug-of-war match, kisses and snuggles–and, for some reason, she won’t stop barking.

Howls that wake the kids up in the night. Yaps that disrupt your virtual meetings. You likely wonder what you might have done wrong and why your puppy won’t stop barking. You need help with puppy barking, and you need it right now.

Here at the Good Life Inc. blog, we’ve put together a quick list of everything you can do to help your pooch relax her vocal cords and ease her way into doggy adulthood more quietly. 

Know Why Your Puppy Is Barking 

Like all things in the universe, understanding the “why” helps with implementing the “how, when, and where.” So, in order to begin addressing excessive puppy barking, you must get to the root of the problem.

When puppies are barking, there are a few things that are most likely happening inside their brains:

  • They want attention
  • They have separation anxiety
  • They’re scared
  • They’re bored
  • They want to play
  • They’re being territorial
  • They’re communicating to other furry neighbors
  • They’re sick

You can settle most of these barking triggers with a little love and attention. But oftentimes you’ll need a bit of help along the way to reinforce good behavior.

A black and white puppy barking.

Know How to Treat the Barking

Now you know there are several reasons for your puppy to get loud. But still, no matter how much love, attention, comfort and jerky you give them, your puppy still might bark nonstop. 

Puppy barking can differ due to socialization levels, temperament and breed. But don’t worry, we have solutions. By starting early with a few of these below techniques, you can ease your pooch’s mind and keep that barking at bay. 

Socialize Your Pup

Socialization is key to overcoming fears and developing a well-rounded, confident and polite pup. Treat them to a playdate with a trusted canine friend. Let them meet your  family members–of all ages. Practice leash behavior on busy streets. It’s important to dedicate ample time to acclimating your dog to their new world to help them feel more comfortable as they grow up.

Try Some Basic Training

Basic training can go a long way in developing focused, comfortable and well-mannered dogs. Teach your dog easy commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” Consistent training will develop a strong communication bond between you and your puppy and will redirect their attention, which can help minimize barking. You can also opt to enroll your pup in a local class or reputable training program to develop good manners and impulse control when they see a barking trigger–think squirrels and delivery drivers.

Invest in Positive Tools

There are many tools on the market to keep your dog from barking excessively—but that doesn’t mean they’re all created equally. 

By using a harmless ultrasonic vibrating training tool like Good Life Inc.’s Positive Pet™ Collar, you can easily correct undesirable behavior with a little harmless buzz to keep your pup from barking, whining, begging, digging, or anything else that gives your poochenstein a bad name around the neighborhood.

It is important to note that though all Good Life Inc. products are humane and harmless, the Dog Silencer MAX, Bark Control Pro, OnGuard, and Barkwise™ collars are not meant for puppies because their ears are not fully developed. To avoid any damage to their hearing from the ultrasound, stick to the Positive Pet™ Collar, which is vibration only.  

Prioritize Enrichment

Puppies are just like kids—their brains are rapidly developing and require frequent stimulation. Invest in puzzle toys, interactive games, and chew toys to keep them engaged and mentally vibrant. The less bored they are, the less they bark. 

Desensitize Triggers

Whether you have a rescue, pure breed, or pound pooch, puppies are triggered by different sounds and environments. In order to make them comfortable, reward them with treats, affection, and positive reinforcement for calm behavior during unstable moments. This will empower your pup to become more comfortable in uncomfortable situations. 

Implement Social Barking Training

We’ve all have ‘em—good influences and bad influences. If you have a friend with a well-behaved canine, invite them over for a play date. Positive interactions with calm dogs can positively influence your puppy’s behavior and get them on the road to a quieter, more relaxed lifestyle.

Remember, being patient and consistent with your puppy will lead to desirable behavior. Shower them with love, praise, and affection when they act accordingly, and reinforce good behavior in triggering environments to give them the confidence they need to live their best and quietest life.


American Kennel Club - How to Stop Nuisance Dog Barking

Fetch by WebMD: Why Dogs Bark and Curbing Excessive Barking

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